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What our letters really mean

On such a small campus, it is easy to notice who the athletes are and who is in Greek life. Some of you might be wondering, "What's it like when you wear your letters around campus or to class? To your club meeting or to your tutoring session?" Let me tell you, it can be intimidating.

When you first wear your letters, you're thrilled. Finally you're a member! You get to represent your organization and wear them with pride. As time goes on, you realized you should be prepared for the looks, both in awe and disgust. You have the people who cannot wait to join their own organization, but you also have the people who think that you pay for your friends.

Greek life has a negative connotation because there's the reputation that we just join to make friends or for the social aspect. Well what about the Greek unity we have? What about the money we raise together for all of our philanthropies? Most importantly, what about the bonds we create with a group of people we probably would have never met?

In an attempt to prove my point, I asked members from different organizations what it's like to wear their letters around campus:

"ZTA has been the highlight of my college experience and I am grateful to have the opportunity to represent such an amazing organization on TCNJ’s campus. I am privileged to wear my letters. They bring us together for a common cause and symbolize our accomplishments in terms of service to our community, our philanthropy and our campus. Greek life has given me an unforgettable experience in that I have met so many incredible people. I love that whenever I am walking on campus I always see a friendly familiar face!" Alissa Palmer, Zeta Tau Alpha

“Phi Sigma Sigma has been my support, made up of some of my best friends. Wearing my letters anywhere on campus makes me proud. It represents more than myself. The letters represent the children that we raise money for at CHOP, the sisters who support me, and the contributions that we make to our community. Greek life has helped me branch out and develop so much as a person. I am not sure of the person I would be without my sisters.” Jen Loughran, Phi Sigma Sigma

"Joining Delta Tau Delta has been an incredibly rich and satisfying experience. Joining the organization, I did not have to worry about fitting in - because there was nothing to fit IN TO. Being a founding father, it has been awesome to hear people talk about my organization in a positive way because I know that I helped built that reputation. Greek Life at TCNJ has been an incredible experience. I have met some amazing people and made lifelong friends through this amazingly supportive community. As a senior, I do not worry too much about the future because I know I have an amazing group of friends in Delt and the Greek community as a whole." Dane West, Delta Tau Delta

“I still remember the first time I put on my letters. It was the spring of my freshman year and I was so excited to finally let the world know that I was apart of such a great group of distinguished men who I got to call my brothers. However, wearing my letters was intimidating because I recognized that I was no longer on my own. I was apart of something much bigger than myself and my actions, good or bad, would directly effect my organization as well as the Greek community. It was a lot of responsibility but one I believe made me a better person and I never regretted taking on. To me, wearing my letters brings a great sense of pride. Those letters opened the door to amazing memories, friends, experiences and opportunities that I would have never had without them. SAE didn’t shape my college experience, it was my college experience and I wouldn’t want it any other way.” - Andrew Piccarelli, Sigma Alpha Epsilon

"Theta Phi Alpha has given me so many memories so far during my college experience. I've met people that I probably would not have met if it weren't for the sorority. My letters remind me of those memories and I'm proud to wear them on campus. They don't just represent a group of girls that are bonded together for a sisterhood, but they represent what we do together. Whether it is volunteering at an organization together or raising money for our philanthropy, we put on our letters with pride to show that we are doing all of this because we love it. Greek life has helped me come out of my shell in college and I have Theta Phi and my sisters to thank for that." Jess Ganga, Theta Phi Alpha

"Kappa Delta has not only brought me some of my lifelong best friends, but it has also given me the confidence to pursue all my goals in life. Words cannot begin to express how proud I am to wear my letters on campus and grateful to know that this organization is going to support me in anything I do, no matter what. Being part of Kappa Delta has made me forever grateful to the girls who have made this big of an impact on my life and I will never stop feeling honored to be representing a sorority that has given me so much to be thankful for." Katie Brody & Jess Troy, Kappa Delta

"Wearing the letters Phi Alpha Delta across my chest is something I taking a lot of pride in. Those three simple Greek letters show that I belong to an organization I am proud to be associated with and share with other men I am lucky to call my brothers. While sometimes wearing letters can be intimidating because of the people who may not really understand what it is to be part of Greek life or may not like an organization for a specific reason. But for me when I get dressed in the morning, I put on my letters knowing that I am identifying with a brotherhood that has been on this campus for 90 years and that I share a common bond with many other motivated and successful men that have worn the letters Phi Alpha Delta." Tim D'Armiento, Phi Alpha Delta

To me, wearing my letters is a sense of pride. I am so proud of my sisters - their accomplishments, their personalities, their values, just them in general. I am proud of my sorority; not just our TCNJ chapter but across the country. We truly live one heart one way and I will always be proud to be a part of Greek Life. It has given me more than I ever thought possible.

What we all have to realize, especially at TCNJ, is that we are a community. I would say almost all of us came to TCNJ because we love it and want to get a good education. It is important to make sure no one feels uncomfortable for something they love. Whether it's wearing their letters, sports uniform, playing Humans vs. Zombies, or just wearing their everyday clothes, together we are one. We are TCNJ.

~A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to this article :) ~

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